Chapter One
Jenny, her brown-gold hair flowing back, pursued the little white cloaked figure as they flew through a light mist. They plummeted into a deep chasm. Jenny was desperate. She had to keep up with her companion, that being that could change her life. It was important Jenny not lose sight if she were to help protect her in this enchanted place.
She wanted to pause, to delight in this secret place filled with pines, old oaks, maples and redwoods. In between she glimpsed giant ferns and jeweled like flowering plants not seen by humans for thousands of years. She wanted to savor the sounds and tastes of the shifting colored sprays of sparking waters flowing off the crystal encrusted granite cliffs.
"Oh, that is music, real music." Jenny thought
Waterfalls cascaded and roared in deep somber tones. Farther down the sweet waters formed steady streams that chimed like silver and crystal bells creating a symphony of sound. It left her longing for more. But, she knew her time was running out. A 'tick, tick, tap, ping' echoed in her head. She had to concentrate. Jenny dodged between large trunks of guardian trees. Together hey darted over and under intertwined limbs and branches then shot up into clear sky. Jenny was mesmerized as below her the chasm opened wider, deeper. It was a new, unknown world. With her arms extended she surfed the currents of the wind. She spun in a slow roll.
"This is fun, I'm a leaf floating."
Although Jenny strained to keep sight of her mystical white robed friend she knew she could continue at any pace. She was considered a tomboy, notorious for taking chances. She thought herself to be tough. She had no fear, but she sensed something cursed was in pursuit. She glanced back. The light faded into a blackness of false night the deeper flight took her into the cleft.
"What? What's that?"
She could just make out her pursuer. A twisted bat like form flew ever faster, its frog like mouth slathered as it tried to catch up. In her best dreams she flew with a sense of wonder, this was different. She knew she needed to confront the danger. To be courageous. Now chill fear crept into her brave spirit. A 'tick, tick, tap' was loud in her head. She looked back again. The gaunt form gained on her. She wanted to escape. A cold hand clutched her ankle. It dragged her down. As she fell the sound grew louder.
"That's not a clock. What is it?"
"Tick, tick, tap, tap, " grew too loud. She couldn't stand it.
"Quiet!" she screamed so loud that she woke up.
Chapter Two
"Tap, Tap, Ping", echoed in Jenny's bedroom.
A shadow twisted in the folds of the bedroom window curtain. It wasn't the Dream Catcher, with its spider like webbing, but the shadowed outline cast by a hummingbird. The hummingbird was the size of a robin. It shimmered in the blue-white moonlight. With a blur of pulsing wings it hovered inches outside the closed window. It tapped twice with its sharp beak; Tap! Tap!
It flitted away as old Jenny woke with a shout from her confused dream of flying and falling.
this book has a wonderful cat named Ms Po. I loved this story. It's a magical journey filled with drama and surprises. I hope it is made into a movie. I highly recommend this book.